Epsilon XR is a Division of Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc.


Training Technologies and a Five-Generation Workforce

Employee training programs have an ever-increasing number of information-delivery platforms to choose from. The classic paper and ink and the widely popular PowerPoint are most recently met with videos, interactive online games, and the continual advancement of virtual and augmented reality technology. So often we find our clients in a state of “paralysis by analysis,” […]

Knowledge Capitalization – Going Beyond Knowledge Management

I started my career in Learning and Development back in early 1980’s. Back then, we talked about training employees to give them information they needed to help them do a better job. We thought we were very innovative – talking about changing the delivery system from straight lecture to an engaging discussion with the participants. […]

Converting Flash Training Course Materials – Time is Running Out!

Out with the old; in with the new. While Adobe Flash was certainly all the rage in the late 90s and early 2000s, the graphics giant announced in 2017 that it will no longer support Flash after the end of this year. A recent announcement added that they will actually BLOCK Flash content beginning January 12, 2021! […]

Welcome to Epsilon XR

Welcome to our new website! Same expert team. New look. We are still the Digital Media division of Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. but that’s a bit lengthy for a sign-off, don’t you think? XR is a term that encompasses Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR); and since those are some of […]

What’s the Difference Between VR/AR/MR/XR?

Alphabet soup is what we get with our immersive technologies! If you are not sure what all these acronyms stand for, or know what they mean, you are definitely not alone. I will attempt to provide a visual picture for you so that you can remember immersive technology terminology moving forward. VR and AR have […]

What Does an Instructional Designer Do?

As an Instructional Designer I’m often asked, “What does an Instructional Designer (ID) do?” The answer is not as simple as the name might imply. As an ID my role in the learning and development (formerly known as training) department is multi-faceted. You might say I wear many hats. First and foremost I am a […]

How to Whitelist Email Addresses in Various Email Platforms

The world of learning and development is changing rapidly and we don’t want you to miss anything. Whitelist us by following these simple instructions for your email provider. Gmail Log into your account and open your inbox. Place the mouse cursor over team@epsilonxr.com and a window will pop up. Simply select ‘Add to Contacts’ to […]

Four Ways to Improve Your Learning Process – an Instructional Designer’s Perspective

Being an Instructional Designer I’m always looking for ways to make the learning programs more effective. In 30 years of designing and enhancing learning experiences, I have found four key tips for ensuring a better learning program:   STRUCTURE: A structure to design and develop your program will bring new efficiencies to the design process. […]

Gaming versus Gamification

My last blog entry on gaming was called “Are You Using Games to Engage?” In that blog, I discussed the importance of engaging the learner and how gaming allows that to happen with ease. In this blog, I’d like to clarify a question I get from learners all the time – What is the difference […]

Four Ways to Improve Your Learning Process – A Learner’s Perspective

Knowledge, experience, adaptability, and communication separate a good employee from a great employee. The opportunity for advancement in your industry is within your control. So how do you make the most of each learning experience so that you can set yourself up for success? We have outlined four tips for becoming a better learner. FOCUS: […]

Are You Using Games to Engage?

Learning only happens when the learner is engaged. How do you get an individual to be engaged at the moment that learning is to occur? That is by far the biggest challenge for any facilitator. The answer is to make learning fun, challenging, and rewarding—and that’s why games work so well. Most people don’t even realize they are […]